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What Motivates You?

Writer: kraiblekraible

Today I want to ask a question. Throw mud on the wall and see what sticks! I see this every day. We say we’re going to do something but our actions prove otherwise.

Today I want to ask a question. Throw mud on the wall and see what sticks!

I see this every day. We say we’re going to do something but our actions prove otherwise. We say we’re committed to x, y, z… but the actions needed to get any traction at all in those areas are never taken… excuses as to why we can’t, or didn’t have time, or forgot, or double booked, whatever it is are definitely plentiful. But the motivation to get it done, is lacking.

Why is that?

  • We say we’re going to start a business and use it to change our financial situation, but we don’t.

  • We say we’re going to work out and lose the weight the doctor says we need to, but we don’t.

  • We say we’re going to go to bed at a decent hour so that we can be rested and ready to accomplish certain tasks, but we don’t.

  • We say we’re going to save money and use it to pay off debt, but we don’t.

I’m sure you can think of countless more things we’ve said (or others have said) that would definitely happen but never had.

It’s too bad really… we are made for more! We can do anything we set our hearts and minds to. There really isn’t anyone or anything that limits us but our own self doubt or insecurity… so why do we succumb to it day in and day out? Why do we allow ourselves to continue being a statistic of lost dreams, lost endeavours and lost growth?

It’s interesting how, even though we see the proof in our own lives, that by continuing to do the same things and not changing, it bring us nothing different or new… we remain in the same place, with the same issues that we always want solved. Nothing changes.

What motivates you to change? Does the constant low grade sense of failure and loss keep us misguided in complacency? Does that familiarity make us somehow feel safe? Maybe it does somehow. It’s sneaky how we feel like change is wrong, because it’s uncertain. But in reality it’s the choice of not changing that is actually “killing you slowly “. It’s like that story about the frog in the frying pan. Turn up the heat quickly and it’ll jump right out! But turn up the heat really slowly and it won’t even realize it’s being cooked alive.

What motivates you to change? Does the constant low grade sense of failure and loss keep us misguided in complacency? Does that familiarity make us somehow feel safe?

I think that is us as humans. We have tricked ourselves into thinking that we don’t need to change because the unknown is scary. Scary means wrong! Therefore we don’t change.

The thought of being stuck in that cycle is what motivates me. I don’t want my life to be a continuo sequence of disappointment and wishing for more. If I need to adapt, change and learn new things to get closer to where my dreams are, I will.

Will you?


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